coors edge can

Coors Edge Review

Today we’re taking a closer look at Coors Edge – the non-alcoholic version of the classic American lager.  Not something I'm too excited to try, if I’m honest, but I was still intrigued to see how this alcohol-free alternative would measure up.

heineken 00 bottle

Heineken 0.0 Review

Heineken 0.0 is coming from one of the world's leading beer brands, and it has been met with a lot of hype. But how does it actually stack up in terms of flavor?

can of budweiser zero

Budweiser Zero Review

I'm going to share my thoughts on this alcohol-free option from one of America's most well-known breweries. You can’t go to a store anymore without coming across this. I wasn’t too excited to be going back to regular beer alternatives (except Erdinger!) but I was curious to see how it stacked up against other non-alcoholic beers, as well as the regular version so I decided to give it a try.

bottle of lagunitas ipna

Lagunitas IPNA Review

I'm going to be taking a look at Lagunitas IPNA. If anyone can pull off creating a robust NA beer that stands up tall against its alcoholic counterparts, it's got to be Lagunitas. Let's see how they fared.

can of all out stout by athletic brewing

Athletic Brewing All Out Stout 0.5% Review

I'm going take a look at Athletic Brewings All Out Stout which comes in at 0.5% and only 60 calories, which is unheard of for a stout. Does it's lightweight offering still hold up with flavor?

bottle pf punk af by brewdog

BrewDog Punk AF Alcohol-Free IPA Review.

The Scottish brewery has built a reputation for bold, flavorful beers, and now they're bringing that same level of quality to its alcohol-free offerings.  They’ve really invested in their non-alcoholic range in recent years, and I’m pretty sure changed the recipe or brewing process somewhat for a few of them aswell.  Let’s jump in and see if this IPA if worth your fridge space.

bottle of peroni anstro azzuro

Peroni Nastro Azzurro 0.0% Review

I'm going to take an in-depth look at this unique brew from Italy. From its flavor profile to its ingredients and nutritional information, this comprehensive breakdown of Peroni 0.0 will give you all the insight that you need into one of Italy's most beloved non-alcoholic beers.

athletic brewing run wild IPA can and box

A Wildly Refreshing IPA: Athletic Brewing’s Run Wild IPA Review

In this review, we'll take a closer look at Athletic Brewing's Run Wild non-alcoholic IPA, evaluating its appearance, aroma, taste, and overall impressions, to see if it lives up to the hype.

bottle of erdinger alkohol frei lemon

Erdinger Alcohol Free Lemon Review

In this review, we will take a closer look at the flavor, aroma, and overall experience of Erdinger Alcohol-Free Lemon Beer. Erdinger Alcohol-Free Lemon Beer is a unique and innovative take on the traditional erdinger favorite. So I was quite excited to try this and honestly didn’t know what to expect with this one.

can of guinness 0 0

Guinness 0.0 Review

I'm going take a look at Guinness 0.0, and see if this world-famous stout can hold its own in the 0.0 world.